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Throat Chakra - Visuddha Chakra: Color, Gland & Role

Updated: Feb 4

Welcome to this blog post, where I dive deeper into the chakra and her connection to your body, emotions, and overall well-being. Here, you’ll find detailed information about the Throat Chakra's relationship with major endocrine gland, specific body parts, and her emotional influence. You’ll also discover practical steps you can take to heal and restore balance to areas where you feel hurt or blocked.

This guide covers the following for each chakra:

• Major Endocrine Gland

• Location

• Emotional Influence

• Imbalance Symptom

• Physical Association

• Color

Explore this journey through the chakra to uncover insights, practical tips, and deeper awareness for healing and growth.

A composite image with three elements: on the left, a meditating figure with multiple arms, symbolizing spiritual connection and the activation of the Visuddha (throat) chakra; in the center, a serene face with an illuminated throat and sound waves, representing truth, communication, and the energy of the throat chakra; and on the right, a human anatomy diagram highlighting the thyroid gland, linking physical anatomy with the throat chakra’s energy
Visuddha Chakra - Truth - Thyroid Gland

Throat Chakra in Depth

Major Endocrine Gland: Thyroid Gland

Location: Throat

Emotional Influence: Communication, expression, and truth

Imbalance Symptoms: Difficulties in communication, expressing thoughts, lies, gossip, teeth problems, jaw pains, or thyroid-related issues

Physical: throat, lower jaw, trapezium

Color: Light Blue

How Are You? Speaking Truth for a Healthy Throat Chakra

These days, when people meet, the first question often is, “How are you?” Strangely, many don’t listen to the reply—they either keep talking or automatically return the question. The standard reply is often, “I’m good,” even when it’s not true.

Saying “I’m good” when it isn’t true disrupts the throat chakra’s energy. Dishonesty, even in small ways, can lead to blockages in communication and self-expression.

For your health and well-being, it’s important to ask yourself daily, “How am I feeling today?” The throat chakra doesn’t only become unbalanced when we’re dishonest with others; it also suffers when we lie to ourselves. Acknowledging and accepting your true feelings, even if they’re uncomfortable, is a powerful step toward healing and maintaining balance in your throat chakra.

The Power of Unspoken Words

I’ve observed that many people who struggle with communication avoid expressing their feelings, needs, or experiences. Instead, they talk about everything but what matters most—how they truly feel. This avoidance often leads to difficulties in setting boundaries and communicating effectively, which disrupts the throat chakra.

Unspoken Words and Emotional Release 

A common problem I encounter with many people is issues in the throat caused by unspoken words. These are often words of shame, guilt, sadness, disappointment, anger, or even simple questions left unasked. Most of these unspoken words stem from childhood experiences that have repeated themselves in similar ways over the years through other people or situations.

For some, these unresolved feelings linger because the connection with the person involved has been broken—perhaps they’ve passed away, or the relationship has become too difficult to maintain. Others avoid communication altogether, unsure of how to express themselves.

In all these cases, I recommend my clients write a letter—not to be sent or read by anyone, but to pour out everything they’ve held inside. Once it’s written, the letter can be burned as a symbolic release of those emotions and experiences.

I often hear suggestions like humming “HAM” or singing to balance the throat chakra. While these can be helpful for some, I frequently find that even those who sing or practice vocal release still struggle to express their true needs and feelings. If singing helps you, that’s wonderful—but if you continue to experience issues, especially with your throat or thyroid, consider giving writing a try.

For guidance on this process, check out my blog: Healing the Throat: Reclaiming Power Through Self-Expression.

Truth and the Energy of Words

Lying, suppressing your truth, or gossiping can harm your throat chakra and negatively impact your thyroid. For example, in an argument between a husband and wife, the husband may yell while the wife stays silent to avoid escalating the situation. By swallowing her words and her truth, she internalizes the energy, which can block her throat chakra and affect her thyroid.

Negative speech or suppressing truth can harm the throat chakra, leading to physical sensations like throat pain.

It’s also wise to remember teachings attributed to Buddha, which deeply affect the throat chakra:• If someone asks you to share something about Mr. X, speak only of the good things.• If no one has asked you to share anything about Mr. X, keep silent.• If someone asks you to share something bad about Mr. X, don’t say anything.

The moment we speak badly of others, we energetically hurt ourselves. Gossip and negative speech create blockages in the throat chakra, disrupting our balance and well-being.

Additionally, avoid speaking unnecessarily about yourself when uninvited. When sharing, be mindful and humble. Honest, thoughtful communication fosters balance in the throat chakra, allowing you to express yourself authentically while preserving your energy and well-being.


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